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Why organise a back-to-school seminar in Brittany?

25 July 2023
A back-to-school seminar in the heart of a green estate in Ille et Vilaine (35), Brittany. A back-to-school seminar is a must for boosting your company's vitality.

Need to unite your teams and new recruits around strong values and get the year off to a good start?

At Domaine des Hayes, we offer you support from A to Z to ensure that this day remains engraved in the minds of your employees. Get your teams ready now to share a common vision for a successful year!

So don't delay, and discover the many benefits of a Back-to-School Seminar. From creating a sense of belonging to boosting motivation, this event will energise and strengthen your team's cohesion. It would be a shame to miss out on this opportunity, wouldn't it?

Why organise a back-to-school seminar in Brittany?


To prolong the holiday atmosphere, the Domaine des Hayes is showcasing its Destination au Vert, just 25 minutes from Rennes, in the Brocéliande region. You'll be able to bring your teams together in a beautiful working atmosphere at this reception venue with character.

With our different packages, Loft, Gîtes comme à la maison, Hotel and Atypical accommodation, you can break the mould of the standard seminar. And don't forget the wide range of team-building activities on offer for a warm and friendly get-together. Take the opportunity to set yourself new goals and values !

Holding a Professional Seminar when you return from holiday is also the best way to help your new team members integrate. In this way, your employees get to know each other, and enjoy working together on ambitious projects.


What format should you use for your back-to-school seminar?


A back-to-school seminar should be built around your objectives and your brand. A meeting followed by a fun activity and a convivial meal is the ideal format for keeping your staff's attention. At Domainde des Hayes, we offer a range of turnkey packages, including residential seminars and study days, to help you organise your business event. With no surprises, our detailed quotes allow you to keep your budget under control at all times.

Discover our Turnkey Seminars


Team meetings

Exchange and communication are essential! Encourage them by multiplying the formats: co-working games, workshops, brainstorming, team-building, sub-committee rooms, video, lounge...
Our three function rooms give free rein to your staff's imagination and creativity, as well as meeting rooms and sub-committee rooms.

Discover our Meeting Rooms


The team building activity

Choose an activity that will encourage cohesion, motivation and sharing. Whether it's a sporting activity (Gyropod, Yoga, circus initiation, etc.) or a place discovery (themed treasure hunt, botanical walk), the main aim will be to create links between your employees.

Discover our Team-building Activities


The afterwork evening:

The evening has an important role to play in allowing your employees to release the pressure. The venue for the dinner and the menu will have a strong impact on your teams. Whether in the same place as the meeting or in an outside venue, the trend is to get your teams to take part in entertainment during the evening, including blind tests, karaoke, a vinyl bar, a DJ and an evening of dancing...

New for 2023: Our Open Bar formulas for an even crazier evening.

Discover our Seminars Menus

Looking for inspiration ? Take a look at our function rooms and outdoor areas for hire !


For a "Chic & Casual" atmosphere, this is definitely the place for you ! La Basse Cour and the Pavillon des Chasseurs, with their reception room, covered courtyard and 70 beds, offer top-of-the-range facilities specially adapted for small and large seminars in the heart of Brittany!


For a "country" theme, the bright meeting room at Léquinais and its canvas structure are the ideal address for meetings, brainstorming sessions and workshops...


If you'd like to experience life in a château for the duration of a seminar, head to the Ecuries. In a green setting, with its gardens, enjoy the country air in complete relaxation. Relax with colleagues over an open bar on Le Canut's terrace, with its breathtaking waterside views. Request a detailed quote


Request a detailed quote



Pavillon des chasseurs
traduction-SVP : Chambre double Pavillon des Chasseurs ©EH
traduction-SVP : Étage Pavillon, vue sur l'eau Le Canut ©EH
traduction-SVP : Barbecue au préau de La Basse Cour ©EH
Gyropode Séminaire aux Ecuries
traduction-SVP : Activité team building Gyropode aux extérieurs des Ecuries ©EH
traduction-SVP : Open Bar / Bar à vinyles, Séminaire à La Basse Cour ©DLF
Quête du graal Activité teambuilding
traduction-SVP : Activité teambuilding Séminaire Quête du graal, ©EH
traduction-SVP : Séminaire salle de réception La Basse Cour, formule Open Bar ©DLF
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